Beginner Jazz
Beginner Jazz classes provide a good foundation for jazz or, in fact, any form of physical activity, and is an excellent starting point for extending children’s experience in movement.
Most young children enjoy moving in an expressive way and Beginner Jazz provides an ideal environment for extending their experience in movement until it embraces a more formal dance style/s.
Junior Jazz
Junior Jazz classes are the next progressions from Beginner Jazz, where children learn to ‘harness’ their energy and bring their movement under conscious control, while at the same time retaining a joy of moving. As the student progresses through each level, the class content becomes more complex and challenging so that basic skills already learned are further developed. This is achieved by teaching them how to isolate and co-ordinate simple movements, individually, then in combination with other movements. A clearly defined programme of work can be achieved in one year through teaching progressions that are added at appropriate times in a pattern of logical development. Enjoyment of movement and enthusiasm for mastering it and exploring its possibilities is fostered in Beginner and Junior Jazz classes.
Intermediate Jazz
Intermediate Jazz classes are designed to extend student’s movement repertoire from skills learned in Beginner and Junior Jazz. Jazz dance at Intermediate, Senior and Advanced levels requires an ability to concentrate and comprehend complex movements, rhythms and spatial patterns and extends technique learned in earlier classes.
Advanced Jazz
Advanced Jazz classes are designed to extend student’s movement repertoire from skills learned in Senior Jazz. Jazz dance at Advanced levels requires an ability to concentrate and comprehend complex movements, rhythms and spatial patterns and extends technique learned in earlier classes.