Kinder Dance

Kinder Dance

Kinder Dance classes provide a good foundation for classical ballet, jazz, modern dance, or, in fact, any form of physical activity, and is an excellent starting point for extending children’s experience in movement.

Most young children enjoy moving in an expressive way and Kinder Dance provides a starting point for extending their experience in movement until it embraces a more formal dance style/s.

Kinder Dance encompasses steps and exercises to assist in the development of the following :

  • Locomotor and non-locomotor movements
  • Body awareness (isolation and control)
  • Spatial awareness
  • Movement qualities
  • Improvisation
  • Mime scenes to encourage communication in movement
  • Rhythm and timing, including various styles of recorded music and different musical instruments

As very young children are not able to concentrate for long periods of time, the class exercises are divided into short and simple sections, rather than long complicated ones.  Repetition of steps and exercises, which have been developed logically, are used to give the children a sense of security in the lesson, while at the same time allowing them to make definite progress.

Exercises and steps are practiced with the feet and legs in parallel positions to assist with the promotion of correct posture and healthy muscular and joint development.

Kinder Dance classes include both imposed and free learning to help children gain self-discipline as well as encourage them to be expressive and confident in their movement.  Props and themes are used also to further encourage student’s imagination and enjoyment of moving in an expressive way.
